Karrots YAML File¶
This is the default karrots.yaml
file created in a cluster control repo. Below this file you will find an explanation of each element of the file.
Eventually we plan to create a web service that will help you create this file. Stay tuned.
# hosting provider (eks, gke)
provider: eks
# cli tool profile name (gcloud, aws-cli)
profile: karrots
# cluster base name (karrots will propose a full cluster name using this and the branch name)
clusterBaseName: karrots-helloworld
# provider account organization name
organizationId: org
# provider account number
accountId: 0123456789
# provider project id/name
projectId: zerodiff
# domain name where the cluster will route
domainName: zerodiff.org
# root domain setup info
# automate insertion of the subdomain ns record into the root domain
# (if false, then set the acme challenge to staging until you create the ns record by-hand, then set it to prod.)
addSubdomainNS: true
# your orginazation's primary dns root zone id/name
zoneName: Z0123456789
# the root project id that owns the root dns resolver
projectId: zerodiff
# the account delegate that allows us to write to the root dns zone
delegateRoleArn: arn:aws:iam::0123456789:role/karrots-dns
# process to generate and install the deploy key manual, github (automated), gitlab (automated)
process: github
# master control plane is regional
mcpIsRegional: false
# primary provider region. e.g.: us-west-1 (eks), us-west1 (gke)
region: us-west-1
# primary provider availability zone. e.g.: us-west-1a (eks), us-west1-a (gke)
primaryZone: us-west-1a
# provider zone list (for vpc, etc.) e.g.: "us-west-1a", "us-west-1b" (eks), "us-west1-a" (gke)
zoneList: ["us-west-1a", "us-west-1b"]
# node pool characteristics
name: primary
maxSize: 3
instanceType: t3.medium
# let's encrypt acme challenge url
# (best to leave the staging url and change the host record after the cluster is up otherwise you might get rate-limited if something goes wrong')
acmeChallengeURL: https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
# if your hosts require known ssh hosts (by id) add them here
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true